
Hello! Welcome to Zamzee

Our Idea
What if technology could take the fun stuff you do and turn it into cool stuff you want? That’s Zamzee.

Zamzee is an online rewards program for teens that’s powered by physical activity. You wear the Zamzee meter, and it records how much you’re moving around. Walking the dog, skateboarding, dancing in your room – it all counts. Connect your Zamzee meter to your computer, and your activity powers your online account. Activity boosts your online status, and you can convert your activity to currency you can spend online in the Zamzee store. The more you go, the more you get – it’s that simple!

Loads of young people helped us design Zamzee. We also tested it with teens who spent over 10,000 days wearing a Zamzee. They had so much fun with Zamzee, they ended up moving around 30% more – that’s equal to running nearly an extra marathon a month. Seriously.

Zamzee launches in 2011. So sign up for our newsletter to get your hands on a Zamzee account.

Our Business
Zamzee is run as a social enterprise. That’s a fancy way to say our business is about more than making money. We’ve created a business to generate revenue that will help us achieve our social mission: using the power of fun to get people moving more.

We can’t take all the credit, though. Zamzee was researched and developed by our friends at HopeLab, with support from the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation.

Zamzee is initially funded by HopeLab, a nonprofit founded by Pam Omidyar, and is located in Redwood City, California.

Want to know more? Email us! zed@zamzee.com

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